عصرِ حاضر میں اولادکی تربیت: سیرتِ طیبہ کی روشنی میں ، اخلاقی،روحانی اورنفسیاتی پہلوؤں کا جائزہ
Child Rearing in the Contemporary Era in the Light of the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): An Examination of Ethical, Spiritual, and Psychological Aspects
Sirah, Parents, children, Islamic teachings Children training, Grooming, Comparison, Modern Era.Abstract
This Study Sheds light on some effective Principles for the grooming of children on the basis of different aspects of the biography of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Compared with modern era training System. The parents should not blame their children for their mistakes Instead, focus on correcting their mistakes in a way that does not humiliate them. Don't highlight their mistakes publicly, instead address the issue privately without mentioning their name. It is essential to teach Children in a way that they don't feel like they're being singled out Instead, teach them in a group setting, so they can understand that the lesson is for everyone, not just for them. If a Child needs individual attention, take them aside and teach them in a Private Setting and in a positive way. This will help them under-Stand their mistakes and make improvements. Here we provide some basic principles, rules and guidance on the spiritual, moral and psychological upbringing of children in the modern era."
It offers practical advice and examples from everyday life to help children Connect with the S faith, value and religion. The approach is based analytical method to highlight the benefit of this system. A Contemporary overview is also provided to help parents and others to navigate the Challenges of raising Children in today's World. The goal is to equip Children with the moral and spiritual foundations they need to thrive in life. The Primary Cause of most of the problems of the Children is the lack of proper guidance in today's world, children may face issues Such as physical Weakness, anger, fear, ego, disobedience etc. As long as we remain disconnected from our religion, these Problem will persist the guidance provided by the Hadiths based on the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can help us to resolve all our problems in a very effective way and provide proper guidance to our Children, enabling them to lead a righteous and Virtuous life.