(Journal of Religious Studies)2025-01-10T18:10:46+00:00Muhammad Ajmal Khanajmal13101@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>توہینِ رسالت انبیاء علیہم السلام کی زمانی و مکانی تاریخ کے تناظر میں 2024-06-26T17:26:40+00:00Ayesha Sadiaayeshasadia@gmail.comProfessor Dr. Muhammad Tahir<p>This study delves into the spatio-temporal dynamics of blasphemy directed towards the Prophet in the historical contexts. Blasphemy against religious figures, particularly the prophet, has been a contentious issue with far-reaching social, cultural, and political implications. Through a comprehensive analysis of historical records, religious texts and socio political contexts, this article aims to elucidate the patterns and trends of blasphemy against the prophet across different geographical regoins and time periods. By examining the various forms of blasphemy, responses from religious authorities, and societal reactions, this study seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of how perceptions and responses to blasphemy have evolved over time in diverse cultural and historical settings. Moreover, it aims to highlight the enduring significance of blasphemy as a catalyst for socio-religious discourse and conflict.</p>2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024احادیث کے لئے محدثین کےوضع کردہ اصولوں کی اطلاقی حیثیت 2024-08-12T11:55:19+00:00Hassan Daoud hassandaoud606@gmail.comAbdul Wahid abdulwahidislamiyat@gmail.comMushtaq ur<p class="EnglishQuote">The principles and rules set by the scholars of hadith (muhaddithin) to understand the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are critical to the science of hadith. These principles and rules were established to ensure the accurate transmission and comprehension of the Prophet's teachings, which are a collective inheritance of the entire Muslim community. Each individual in the community has the responsibility to understand and convey the sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but it is especially the duty of the muhaddithin to uphold this responsibility.When these principles were being formulated, there were indeed differences of opinion among the various scholars and imams who contributed to their development. This indicates that these principles are not absolute and that there was room for disagreement and scholarly ijtihad (independent reasoning). The presence of differing opinions among the scholars demonstrates that the principles of hadith were strengthened through debate and refinement, rather than weakened.In contemporary times, the question arises whether these principles can still be challenged or if they remain immutable. This article aims to explore the notion that these principles are not final and absolute. It will be shown that the differences among the scholars were based on their individual ijtihad, and wherever an imam or a muhaddith held a different view, there were valid reasons for it. This understanding will help us recognize that the principles of hadith have become stronger due to the various rules and conditions set by different scholars. Furthermore, it will highlight the dedication and effort of the muhaddithin in preserving and conveying the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the Muslim ummah.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024مذہبی انتہا پسندی کے تاریخی پسِ منظرکا ایک جائزہ2024-09-09T19:02:16+00:00Haseena haseena@gmail.comAsma Nosheen asmanosheen@gmail.comMuhammad Yousaf<p class="EnglishQuote">The history of extremism is as old as the age of mankind. Therefore, the Qur'an not only pointed out the "transgression" found in the ancient heavenly religions of Judaism and Christianity, but also strictly prohibited it. The reason for this prohibition is that whenever a nation "transgresses" in the religion given by Allah. For example, we see that the Jews "exaggerated" in their enmity with Hazrat Jesus, calling him the son of adultery, a sorcerer and the one who must be killed. He also killed them, God forbid. On the other hand, in the love of Hazrat Isa (AS), Christians elevated him to the level of divinity by declaring him as the son of God, while Islam, unlike these two religions, has presented a moderate position about the personality of Hazrat Jesus (AS) which is mentioned in Surah Maryam. It is present in the initial verses.Like the earlier heavenly religions, the Muslim Ummah also fell victim to "extremism" and extremism. During the time of Prophet Muhammad, when "exaggeration" in good deeds was shown by some people, he strongly disapproved of it and prevented it, as we have described the incident of the three Companions above. Apart from this, in his predictions, the Holy Prophet identified certain violent, bigoted and extremist groups among the Muslims in the future and also described some of their characteristics. In accordance with the predictions of the Holy Prophet, a group had arisen in the Rashidah Caliphate. Because of mutual fights between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Amir Muawiya, both of them considered the Companions and their companions to be infidels and considered it obligatory to kill them. Have you heard anything from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the Khawarij?So they replied:I have heard it said, ``And it is a place before Iraq, and a people will come out of it, and they will recite the Qur'an, and they will not be permitted to taraqeem."I heard him say, while he pointed to Iraq with his hand, that a people will emerge from it who will recite the Qur'an but it will not go down their throats." They will leave Islam as quickly as an arrow leaves a bow.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024برصغیر میں اہل سنت والجماعت کے اندرونی اختلافات اور گروہ بندی: تاریخی اور تجزیاتی مطالعہ 2025-01-10T18:10:46+00:00Ihsan Ullah ihsanullah@gmail.comDr. Muhammad Ibrahim<p class="EnglishQuote"><span lang="EN-US">Islam instructs its followers to hold firmly to the rope of Allah and not fall into division. In the best of times (the era of the Prophet and the subsequent era of the Companions), every individual was guided by the teachings of the Prophet or the trained Companions. However, as time passed, differences in the interpretation and understanding of Islamic rulings began to emerge, leading to division and discord within the ummah. The primary reason for this division was the tendency to fall into extremes on either side of any matter. Yet, throughout history, there has always been a group that, in contrast to the other factions of the ummah, remained on a balanced path between extremism and laxity, adhering to the actions and rulings of the Companions. This group is known as Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah, which has always represented the majority of the ummah. In the Indian subcontinent, the differences within Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah, specifically between the Barelvi and Deobandi schools of thought, are rooted in jurisprudential issues, Sufism, social and cultural practices, and allegedly doctrinal differences. The background of these differences can be traced to the 19th century, a period marked by colonial influences, reformist movements, and the social and religious conditions of Muslims. After the 1857 War of Independence, Muslims in the Indian subcontinent faced significant political, economic, and social challenges under British rule. During this period, several reformist movements emerged to strengthen the religious condition of Muslims, with the Deobandi and <a name="_Hlk184837030"></a>Barelvi schools being prominent among them. These differences arose due to various religious interpretations, the nature of religious practices, and the methods of social and cultural rituals, which later gave rise to sectarian strife. Given the great objective of unity within the ummah, despite the existence of ideological differences, sectarian tolerance and harmony remain a vital need of the time. To achieve this goal, it is essential to analyze the differences so that, in light of this understanding, sectarian discord and fragmentation can be prevented.</span></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025