مصطلح ’’صحیح ‘‘ نقاد متقدمین کی تطبیقات کی روشنی میں

Term “Sahih” in the light of early Hadith scrutinizer’s implementations


  • Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi Ph.D Scholar Faculty of Usuluddin, Department of Hadith, International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Imran Assistant Professor, Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre University of Peshawar
  • Dr-Zia Ur Rehman Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Kohat University of science & Technology

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Sahih, terminology , Hadith scrutinizer’s, implementations.


The inert implementation is absolutely extinct amongst the early Hadith scrutineers  which is prevalent amongst the latter Hadith scholars. Moreso  the main reason behind this inertia of complexity in terminologies has been a conscious or subconscious influence of Greek logic which had its impact on all disciplines of knowledge. The Islamic and Arabic disciplines including Uloom ul Hadith fell under its influence too. Consequently, its viable impact upon the later scrutineers of Hadith has been that while defining every single terminology, they endeavored to make it as comprehensively definite as it could be. Contrarily the same terminologies have been used by the early Hadith scholars in a much wider and liberal scope.  “Sahih” is one such terminology which has been used for more than one meaning /sense by the early Hadith scholars. The discussion below deals with and elaborated upon the multiple usage of the cited terminology in the light of its usage and texts by early Haith Scholars.



كيفية الاقتباس

Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi, Dr. Muhammad Imran, & Dr-Zia Ur Rehman. (2023). مصطلح ’’صحیح ‘‘ نقاد متقدمین کی تطبیقات کی روشنی میں: Term “Sahih” in the light of early Hadith scrutinizer’s implementations. Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 4(01), 101–115. استرجع في من https://alsharqjr.com/index.php/home/article/view/76


