اما م سرخسی کے منہج ِ استحسان کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A Research on the Method of Istehsan in Imam Sirkhsi's Perspective


  • Dr Muhammad Atiq ur Rahman Director Research and Development, Al-Habib Laibrary, Mansehra
  • Dr. Jan Gul Thealogy Teacher, Elementary and Secondary Eduction Department, Mansehra

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Istihsan, Muhj,Sarkhsi - hidden speculation - speculation,Arguments against


Researching from the knowledge capital (books) of the Imams is one of those difficult tasks, in which no two people can disagree. One of the reasons for this is the confusion of words (special words) through which the material is used. (Scientific facts) arranged was done, or another reason for this difficulty is the format of the research material in which the material was arranged; The issues discussed in the ancient madunas are not found in the current situation, as ta'seel has now been included in the Hanafi's  minhaj. Which  is different from other principled madrasahs and schools of jurisprudence in terms of origin and branch, due to which the researcher has to face a lot of difficulty in understanding the minhaj (point of view) of the Hanafi Imams, even though that research is based on a minor discussion.

When the writer of the paper turned the pages of Imam Abu Bakr Sarkhsi's books with the intention of studying them for their appreciation, he found the "Usul al-Sarkhsi" in his books according to the previous reasons, even though Imam Sarkhsi's The Hanafi imams of the fifth century and their The first of the basic principles of Islamic law is done in Madoonin, but they also did not abandon the style of the principle of taseel due to the differences in the imitation of their imams of jurisprudence and principles. Un coordinated; Especially when If the problems take the form of argumentation in Istishan, then there is delay in the sentences.



كيفية الاقتباس

Dr Muhammad Atiq ur Rahman, & Dr. Jan Gul. (2023). اما م سرخسی کے منہج ِ استحسان کا تحقیقی جائزہ: A Research on the Method of Istehsan in Imam Sirkhsi’s Perspective. Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 4(01), 81–100. استرجع في من https://alsharqjr.com/index.php/home/article/view/75


