أثر النسخ في الآيات التي تتعلق بأحكام النفقات دراسة تحليلية مقارنة

The effect of abrogation in the verses of provisions of expenditures: A comparative & analytical study


  • Dr Mufti Zia ur Rehman Lecturer Jamia Dar ul Uloom Saeedia Oghi Mansehra
  • Dr Muhammad Umar Farooq Lecturer Department of Islamic Thoughtand Culture , National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad
  • Shahid Saleem Mughal Al-Qalam Collage Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir. Allama Iqbal Open university Muzaffarabad Resource person in Workshops of M.A Islamic Studies

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Abrogration، Muwadd’ah، Nafaqah، Birr، Kaffa’rat


Islam is code of nature. upon its believers Islam only Apply the things which have accordance with the nature , while implementing the rules, islam gives much consideration to the needs and interests of human. Therefore, sometimes there were some orders which were implemented just for the period of need and were abrogated after period of need ended. In shriah terminology This process of changing and abrogating the rules is known as abrogation. such nullified verses are known as abrogated verses.According to islamic jurisprudance zakat is one of the most important act. thatswhy i intend to present a research review on the abrogated verses related to zakat. so in this article that zakat verses are discussed which are proclaimed as abrogated verses.I have comprehensively studied the abrogated verses and it is a comparative studay between four books which are considered to be the main theological books of four famous school of thougth, those books is “Ahka’am-ul-Qur’an by al-jssa’as” “Mafa’teeh-ul-gha’ib by al-razi” “Ahka’am-ul-Qur’an by al-qurta’bi” and the last is “Al-libaab fi uloom-ul-kita’ab by Ib A’aidl”.



كيفية الاقتباس

Dr Mufti Zia ur Rehman, Dr Muhammad Umar Farooq, & Shahid Saleem Mughal. (2023). أثر النسخ في الآيات التي تتعلق بأحكام النفقات دراسة تحليلية مقارنة: The effect of abrogation in the verses of provisions of expenditures: A comparative & analytical study. Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 4(01), 01–15. استرجع في من https://alsharqjr.com/index.php/home/article/view/65


