احادیث کے لئے محدثین کےوضع کردہ اصولوں کی اطلاقی حیثیت



  • Hassan Daoud M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies,Hazara University Manshera
  • Abdul Wahid M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies,Hazara University Manshera
  • Mushtaq ur Rehman M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies,Hazara University Manshera


ProphetMuhammad, ijtihad, principles of hadith, muhaddith, Muslim ummah.


The principles and rules set by the scholars of hadith (muhaddithin) to understand the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are critical to the science of hadith. These principles and rules were established to ensure the accurate transmission and comprehension of the Prophet's teachings, which are a collective inheritance of the entire Muslim community. Each individual in the community has the responsibility to understand and convey the sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but it is especially the duty of the muhaddithin to uphold this responsibility.When these principles were being formulated, there were indeed differences of opinion among the various scholars and imams who contributed to their development. This indicates that these principles are not absolute and that there was room for disagreement and scholarly ijtihad (independent reasoning). The presence of differing opinions among the scholars demonstrates that the principles of hadith were strengthened through debate and refinement, rather than weakened.In contemporary times, the question arises whether these principles can still be challenged or if they remain immutable. This article aims to explore the notion that these principles are not final and absolute. It will be shown that the differences among the scholars were based on their individual ijtihad, and wherever an imam or a muhaddith held a different view, there were valid reasons for it. This understanding will help us recognize that the principles of hadith have become stronger due to the various rules and conditions set by different scholars. Furthermore, it will highlight the dedication and effort of the muhaddithin in preserving and conveying the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the Muslim ummah.



How to Cite

Daoud , H. ., Wahid , A. ., & ur Rehman, M. . (2024). احادیث کے لئے محدثین کےوضع کردہ اصولوں کی اطلاقی حیثیت : THE IMPLEMENTATION OF METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES BY HADITH SCHOLARS: AN APPLIED PERSPECTIVE. Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 5(1), 22–30. Retrieved from https://alsharqjr.com/index.php/home/article/view/92