حضرت آدم علیہ السلام کی زبان قرآن اور بائبل کی روشنی میں

The language of Hazrat Adam in the light of the Quran and the Bible


  • Dr. Samilul Haq Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shiringal
  • Prof. Dr. Miraj ul Islam Zia Former Dean, Department of Islamiyat, University of Peshawar


Adam, Language, Quran,, Bible


Language and intellect are both gifts of God. Due to these two characteristics, mankind is superior to all living beings on earth. Here the question arises, that which language was the first language of the world? We have to types of theories to solve these types of questions. According to the religious theory, God created the first man, Adam and he created his wife, Eve’’ from the right rib of Adam. As God created them with his Divine power, He also infused in them the talent to speak.

On other hand; the proponents of evolutionary theory one of the opinion that early humans copied the sounds of animals, birds and other phenomena of nature and formed their primitive   language. There are some information in the Bible about the early language to the extent that people from Adam to Noah and their close descendants had one language.  What kind of language was that?  Bible is silent regarding this   information. According to Islamic traditions, Adam's language was Arabic and Noah's language was Syriac. But according to modern Islamic researchers, Noah's language was Arooba, which is an old form of Arabic.

Author Biography

Dr. Samilul Haq, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shiringal





How to Cite

Dr. Samiul Haq, & Zia, M. ul I. (2023). حضرت آدم علیہ السلام کی زبان قرآن اور بائبل کی روشنی میں: The language of Hazrat Adam in the light of the Quran and the Bible . Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 4(01), 01–11. Retrieved from https://alsharqjr.com/index.php/home/article/view/64