Infectious Diseases: Prevention and Control in Islamic Perspective


  • Qurrat ul Ain M.Phil (Islamic Studies), Hazara University, Mansehra


Islamic teachings, infections, pandemics, faith, COVID-19, infectious diseases


The purpose of this paper is to present the solution of Infectious Diseases/Pandemics in a comprehensive way from an Islamic Perspective. It is obvious that Medical science and especially the health sciences have solid and long-termed research and working cure for these deadly killer diseases but the question raised that whether the religion is dealing with them or not. And there isn’t any ruling or guidance in religions rather than Islam that describes the health issues and presents their precautionary measures and control. Problem with the world from early ages till this day is a series of diseases especially the infectious ones. Being a Muslim I must have faith in the perfection of Islam. Its rulings are for every aspect of life from the individual to spiritual and social aspects to financial and international levels. For the details of each of them, it needs more than sufficient time and space both to cover them but here we’re going for a comprehensive discussion about guidelines of Islam for Infectious Diseases. It starts with the prohibition of Allah from harming someone himself to avoid the gathering of infected people in times of pandemic.

Author Biography

Qurrat ul Ain, M.Phil (Islamic Studies), Hazara University, Mansehra





How to Cite

Qurrat ul Ain. (2021). Infectious Diseases: Prevention and Control in Islamic Perspective. Al-Sharq (Journal of Religious Studies), 2(02), 13–23. Retrieved from


